We are proud to have a partnership with AACC where they host business hours in Covington every other Monday from 8-12noon at the NKU Collaborative at 112 Pike St, Covington to support Black owned businesses in Covington and NKY.
Did you know that Covington offers an award-winning rent subsidy incentive? Its aim is to reduce business expenses while you get established in a brick-and-mortar space in Covington. It's a 50% reimbursement of monthly rent up to $500/month for 12 months. Only need a 2-year lease and at least one FTE to be eligible. Go to: https://thecovky.gov/incentives-resources/
Reach out anytime if you'd like information on opening a business in Covington!
- Susan
859-292-2321 (direct)
859-490-0285 (mobile)